New Brighton, MN ~ Ramsey County

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Thanks to our Annual Clean Up Day Volunteers

11 Sep 2021 11:22 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Big thanks to our lake residents and the Mayor of New Brighton who volunteered their time this morning at our annual Clean Up Day! 

This annual event is scheduled for the Saturday after Labor Day and a great opportunity to get outside, meet neighbors, and feel good about doing something for the community. 

Participants included:

  1. Eleanor Clark
  2. Quinlan Donner
  3. Davis Donner
  4. Shellie Clark
  5. Gail Hain
  6. Luke Broghammer
  7. Doug Isiminger
  8. Sam Hickman
  9. Otto Hickman
  10. Laura Broghammer
  11. Logan Broghammer
  12. Kari Niedfeldt-Thomas
  13. Nicolas Kohler
  14. Jason Scott

This ancient Native American artifact was unearthed by Gail Hain who won the prize for most interesting find.  It has since been sent to the U of M for carbon dating. 

Long Lake Improvement Association of New Brighton, Inc is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.  All dues are utilized towards water quality, safety, and education. Please email us at with questions, comments, or suggestions.  
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