Although we won't be able to eliminate invasive weeds, we can control them. LLIA has selected Lake Restoration, Inc. (LRI) as our partner in the weed control process and will provide large scale treatment based on Rice Creek Watershed District's spring delineation mappings of the lake. The latest Delineation Maps can be found in Water Quality Resources.
Please also note that due the prolific growth of milfoil, home and easement owners may need to determine if Individual AIS Treatment is appropriate for your use of the lake. LLIA is not able to support individual weed treatment around your dock and shoreline ~ this requires working directly with homeowners for permitting & treatment. However, we can acquire an offshore permit to treat areas beyond owner's docks, such as the channel, typical anchoring spot, and shallow areas that we don't want to weed up ~ areas of the lake we can all utilize (or don't want to see weed mats).
This topic will continue to evolve, so please Join us to receive email blasts with the latest information. If you want to start a discussion, please create a Forum topic or email us at llianewbrighton@gmail.com.
Here's LLIA's approach to weed treatment:
Thank you to all who have, or will be making, their tax-deductible donations to LLIA. We look forward to the continued growth of the LLIA organization for promoting safe recreational experiences and improved water quality. We will be able to achieve our goals with your continued support in the future.Delineation Mapping
RCWD has partnered with us to perform annual delineation mappings, which can be found on in Water Quality Resources. These maps are typically provided to us in the May/June time frame and we'll look to send email blasts as we receive them.
Once we receive the delineation maps from RCWD, we work with Lake Restoration to perform the treatment. DNR limits the amount of herbicide treatment that can be performed on a lake to 15% of the littoral surface (the surface that's less than 15 feet). For Long Lake, that's about 15 acres total available for treatment. We'll typically treat 10-12 acres and leave the remaining acreage available for individual treatment.
LLIA will procure a group permit on behalf of the lake for large scale treatment. A group permit requires a Signature Waiver, which requires that we proactively inform lake shore owners of the treatment plan and provide and opt out option. Communication will be provided via email blasts and web site postings, so please make sure to register with our site so you receive this info.
If you desire treatment and are within the treatment zone per the delineation map, there's nothing for you to do. If you don't want treatment in a given year you'll need to inform us by emailing your name and address to llianewbrighton@gmail.com.
If you're looking to get a permit for your own application please reference Individual AIS Treatment page.
Our collective goal is to improve the lake quality, so clearly the chemicals used in the treatment process is an important question we all have. The DNR provides Guidance for selective treatment of invasive aquatic plants in Minnesota. We'll be working with LRI to ensure the proper approach and guidance is followed. As of now, we're planning to control the weeds with a product called Diquat which is approved by the DNR for weed mitigation.
Curly Leaf will be assessed by RCWD in April and treated in May.
Milfoil will be assessed by RCWD in May/June and treated early/mid July.
Funding of large scale weed control will be provided through our member contributions and potentially the City of New Brighton based on annual requests. We are continuing to seek grant opportunities and funding from Ramsey County towards this effort.
Please Join us to stay abreast of the latest updates.
Thanks for your patience as we work through the process and we'll continue to provide updates. Please email us with question or comments.