HIGH WATER/NO WAKE The Long Lake Road bridge over Rice Creek has a yellow hash mark on the NE side of the bridge that identifies the high water mark at 866.22'. The plan is for the City to put a stripe on the boat launch in the fall of 2024 indicating the high water mark as well. The no wake rule due to high water is a City ordinance and the City has given LLIA permission to monitor lake level and take the following actions once over the high water mark:
The LLIA Public Safety Committee will be monitoring the lake closely when we have a potential high water situation. If you have questions about high water, email us at llianewbrighton@gmail.com. If any boats are seen once the ordinance has been put into effect, please call Ramsey County Sheriff at 651-767-0640. No wake means operating your boat at the slowest speed necessary to maintain steerage, but in no case greater than five miles-per-hour. |
Flashing light on No Wake sign. This will be unlocked and opened up to say "NO WAKE ON ENTIRE LAKE" | Sign when unlocked and opened | Flag pole at landing signifying minimum wake conditions |